Thursday, September 16, 2010

Lack of Focus

I’m lacking focus these days. Not really in the home or work department but definitely in the study department. I’ve been trying the walk/run thing to clear my head but lets face it there are only so many hours in the day and I don’t always have time to fit that in. My study buddy’s lack of motivation isn’t helping me either. I'm pretty sure the only thing that motivates her is food.

I’m using study materials from Becker (all of you CPAs know about Becker). I’m thinking about writing to them and suggesting they redo their study materials to read more like US Weekly. I seem to soak up useless celebrity information like a sponge. Maybe if my study materials used examples like Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie were not legally married at the end of 2010 but they lived together for the entire year, which filing status can they use? Which one of them can claim their six kids as exemptions? How much can they deduct for each of their 10 vacation homes? How much money do they have to report for foreign income earned? It would be much more interesting to learn in that type of format don’t you think? I would have this stuff down in no time! For now I’ve got to get back to my mind-numbing study materials before AB disowns me.

1 comment:

  1. I think you're on to something there. In my profession we call them "Case Studies". So...much more interesting and applicable to read about the real people with the real problems, how the symptoms are presented, diagnosed or often mis-diagnosed at first and then treated with outcomes.
