Sunday, September 5, 2010

Channeling Flo-Jo

I’ve decided to take up running jogging again. In case you are wondering, by definition jogging is trotting at a leisurely pace and running is a fast paced jog. Anywho, I’ve been having a hard time coming home from a busy day at work and hitting the books so I thought it would be a good idea to jog or walk for 20-30 minutes to help clear my head. Although I didn’t work today, while eating breakfast I got sucked into these Librarian movies with Noah Wylie and little did I know there are multiple. When the 3rd one came on I decided to turn off the TV and activate my plan because I had a lot of studying to get done. As I was jogging along at a tortoise pace I began wondering what makes a person extremely fast? I doubt this is something that has ever crossed your mind but for some reason sprinters really amaze me. I used to be an avid runner, but I’ve always preferred long distance, sprinting has never been my forte. I always enjoy watching the track events of The Summer Olympics. Those runners have like super human speed and on top of that they are wearing 10 lbs of bling! Some of the women have quite a bit of junk in the trunk too (and mind you none of it is fat). Maybe that’s my problem, I have the figure of a prepubescent boy with absolutely no junk and no muscle anywhere! I just think it would be cool to be able to drop into conversation things like have I mentioned I can run 100 meters in 10.49 seconds? People will think you’re like Wonder Woman! For now I will accept the fact that I will never be fast and that’s ok because when would I have time to fit in training for The Olympics?


  1. You should take on my mom. She seems to think sprinting would be no problem. Remember the infamous Tommy/Susie race of 2004?

  2. do too have some muscle girl. It wasn't that long ago that you took that Boot Camp Class. You're so...disciplined and God knows you did NOT get that from your Mother. would be nice if you'd rub off on me. LOL!!!

  3. I am sorry, you lost me at Noah Wylie. I swear, when I was pregnant, I tried all the live long day to convince Luke to name the kiddo Carter. He was more for the naming him Carter after Katie's Carter than (yes, direct quote) "that no talent ass-clown".

    So Alex it was. Still love me some Dr. Carter though.

  4. If you think you're slow now, just wait until after you have kids! Then, you'll look back and think how fast you used to be.
