Sunday, February 13, 2011

Two Evenings Out - Yes Two!

This weekend made me feel young again with not just one, but two evening outings! Friday evening I went out with a group of girlfriends to celebrate my friend Shonda's birthday. I know she will love the fact that I am using this picture ;)

Shonda made reservations for the Chef's Table at Brady Tavern. It was fun sitting in the kitchen watching all of the action, it felt like our own private party. Among all of the amazing gifts she received were these beauties from Glacier Confection. Do they not look amazing? It's hard to believe they are chocolates!

That happened to be my second dining experience at Brady Tavern and it did not disappoint. I highly recommend the Trout Dip and Mac & Cheese. Everyone enjoyed the food and the atmosphere - it was super fun to have a night out with the girls!

Last night AB and I went to dinner and a movie with a college friend of AB's, Stockton, and his wife Rhonda. They have a six year old daughter and three year old twin boys. Needless to say life is a little hectic for them and unfortunately we don't get together with them as often as we would like so last night was a special treat! We met up at Cheddar's for a yummy meal and good conversation then headed to the movie theatre to see The Fighter.

My average visitation to the movie theatre is once per year but this was my second movie within a month - a new record! I thought this was a great movie and not just because there was a lot of this ( although it did help).
The movie, based on a true story, is about two brothers with promising boxing careers. I don't want to give away too much but the older brother falls victim to crack toward the end of his career. I must say Christian Bale managed to be hot even while playing a crack head!

And did I mention there is a lot of this? Calvin Klein didn't choose him as an underwear model for no reason!

I actually love Mark Wahlberg, better known to my generation as Marky Mark. I think he's a very talented actor and those wash board abs are just the icing on the cake for me. Back in the day when I also loved me some NKOTB it was always rumored that he turned down an opportunity to be in the group. My twelve year old self thought that was such a dumb move, what was he thinking? He'll be nothing without them! Boy was my twelve year old self wrong! Calvin Klein and Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch may have put his name out there, but lets not forget the movie that put his acting career on the map - Nicole 4 EVA!


  1. Lol!! I want some of those chocolates. Fun weekend!!!

  2. Oooohhh, Marky Mark! Yes, please!! :)
    Sounds like a fun weekend!

  3. How funny! I am an old dork but still constantly tell Jerod that I love things "4 Eva".

  4. FEAR!!! I loved it! A shorter, younger, more innocent version of me resembled Reese Witherspoon, and when that movie came out everyone called me Reese.

    I was a Marky Mark fan too, and for the record, he's MUCH cuter than Donnie! Glad you guys had a fun weekend!
