Saturday, October 9, 2010

Milo the Kitten

Sorry for the brief blogging hiatus, I've had a lot going on in the past couple of weeks! I took another test (it was terrible) and went down to Dallas for a wedding (I'll save that for another post).

While I was away from work frantically studying and then enjoying myself in Texas, my co-worker Daisi found a tiny kitten in our office parking lot. Poor guy, he easily could have been hit by a car he is so little! Daisi already has a cat, so her boyfriend has nixed the idea of keeping this precious little ball of fur. I sent pics to AB in hopes of finding a new playmate for Tavia. He told me getting a cat may have worked the first time but it won't work a second time. Luckily Daisi has a friend in OKC that is going to take him. I just had to get my kitten fix before little Milo (she named him after Dan's baby on Gossip Girl - ha!) moves away so I went over to Daisi's yesterday and took the following video.

Is this not cute overload? I would love to bring him home for just a few hours because I'm very curious to see what Tavia's reaction would be. I played the video for her last night and she was very interested. Maybe I need to set up a play date!


  1. lol, omg - milo. ha! Do cats have play dates???

  2. How ADORABLE! I think we are getting the new cat Friday. . .keep your fingers crossed for a somewhat smooth transition.

  3. Ooooohhh, so cute! I love kittens! I think you guys should keep him!
