Sunday, August 15, 2010

A Little Hesitant

So this is my maiden voyage into the blogging world. I’m very addicted to reading blogs so I thought why not enter the blog world myself? I think it will be a fun way to stay connected to my family and friends who live near and far. I’ve actually had my little page here set-up for quite some time but I’ve had some reservation in entering into this not so private world at this particular time in my life. Mainly because of a little secret I’ve been keeping. I don’t even know if I should call it a secret because my immediate family and most of my close friends know, it’s one of those things that is hard to keep a secret because it consumes my entire life. Maybe some of you have noticed my absence at the weekly Bachelor watch parties, my hiatus from book club, the times I’ve missed Bunko and other fun events I’ve had to decline to come to? Well friends, I’m letting the cat out of the bag – I’m studying to become a CPA! Doesn’t that sound exciting? I wish I had something cooler to reveal but there it is my little secret which is not so secret anymore.

The main reason I haven’t been shouting it from the rooftops is because of the pressure that comes along with people knowing. When do you take your next part? Have you received your scores? Did you pass? Just so you know there are four parts to the exam and you can take one at a time. I have already taken one part and in two weeks will take a second part. My goal is to have the other two taken by Thanksgiving. It’s a grind and it’s that last question sited above that’s a killer because what if I don’t pass? It’s a reality people, this test is HARD! It’s that question that creates the most pressure because I don’t want the answer to be no - it’s awkward for me, it’s awkward for them. It’s kind of like someone asking about your pet hamster and you have to tell them it died. Awkward! Nobody knows how to respond to that. I’ll just do my best to eliminate that moment and make the answer a yes!

I will try my best to keep up with my little blog here and I promise not all my posts will be about the CPA exam. It is does happen to be the central theme of my life right now but I don’t really want my blog to be known as a cure for insomnia! Also try to bear with me while I get all the kinks worked out on the layout of my page…I am obviously new to this ;-)


  1. Welcome to Blogging Meg! I have to admit I am a junky now! I find myself trying to snap pictures just to update the blog or thinking Ohhh, that is a funny story I must blog about that! Or Joe saying, don't put that on the blog! lol You will have to set up your blog list so you can see updates on the blogs you follow!

  2. I love your first entry in the blog!! Of course you had me going there for a minute...I thought you were going to announce that you were the newest member of the mommy club. :-) Oh, and that intro is only boring to non-CPA's. I'm proud of you for deciding to dedicate your time and energy to the most difficult professional exam there is! ~ Amy Pope

  3. Welcome to the blogging world. You are going to be so popular :). Now Tavia needs to make her debut!

  4. Well....even though I knew your secret, I must confess my heart skipped a beat when I first started reading, hoping that there was something ELSE entirely that you were keeping a secret, something that might be revealed in 7 months or so. Alas, not to be but a Mother can hope, can't she? BTW, you do realize don't you that a certain someone, faded blue, is also 30 now. Keep up the good work,studying, that is, the reward will be worth it.
    Love you!!!
