Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Blonde Moment of the Week

So today I’m driving to work and I notice I’m sitting on something but when I feel the seat, I realize there is actually something in my pant leg. I get out of my car and feel the wad and wonder how in the heck I didn’t notice this during the hour I had the pants on before getting in my car. I have to proceed into the building because whatever this happens to be is in an unreachable place. I hurry onto the elevator so I can get in the back where the bulge on the back of my leg will go unnoticed. Lucky for me I work on the top floor of the building so I’m always the last one off. Once off the elevator I head to the bathroom where I strip down my jeans and pull out a pair of underwear. What the heck? I’m thankful that they were in an unreachable place because I would have died had they slipped out while I was walking into the building, but if they had I was glad they were a) clean and b) not granny panties. Although I’m pretty sure if they had slipped out I would have treated them like an illegal substance – Underwear? What underwear? I don’t own any underwear.


  1. Too.....funny. Remind me to tell you my true story some time of me going into a store room to adjust my panty hose one night while working 3 to 11 at the Great Bend Hospital. Hmmm.....turns out it was captured on camera....I was not the culprit they were checking on, thank Goodness. Love you, Mom

  2. Lol! Thanks for the laugh Megan! On Monday, Molly put on a pair of shorts and they looked funny from behind, so I check the pockets...Nothing. When doing her hair, she said there is something "fat" back here. We take them off, there is a pair of little pink panties balled up back there! Lol So don't worry, it happens! :-)

  3. Bwaaaahhhhaaa! This is hilarious! Glad you noticed before anyone else did!

  4. Hilarious! I think if that happened to me I would have picked them up and played it off like someone threw them at me...all the while calling them a pervert. Your reaction is probably better.

  5. Oh dear. And could Janie be any funnier???
