Monday, August 16, 2010

Conversation Starters

Oh my goodness I have six followers! This means I can start posting questions and there are at least six people who might answer!
So I recently earned a free ticket from Southwest Airlines. I just love the feeling of getting a free ticket! Of course, this means I’ve spent enough on my Southwest Visa to earn it so it’s not actually free but whose keeping track besides my husband? One of the things I love about the free tickets are the free drink coupons I receive in the mail. I don’t necessarily love them for the drink because I’m usually taking an early morning flight and I am past the age where alcohol sounds good before noon (ok I could spring for a mimosa before noon) but I really love the coupons for the conversation starters Southwest prints on them. They also have conversation stoppers which always make me chuckle. These are the conversation starters on my current coupons:

Q1: When was the first time you flew Southwest Airlines? Where did you go?
A1: I have no idea. I remember flying it to Chicago in college to visit Meghan and Lindsey at Knox but I’m not sure if that was my first time.

Q2: Are you a dog person? Cat person? Fish person? Something else entirely?
A2: That’s easy :-) How could you look at this cute face each day and not be a cat person?

Q3: If you were stranded on a deserted island, which actor or actress would you least like to be stuck with?
A3: Easy - Gilbert Gottfried.

That voice would grate on my every last nerve, especially if it was the only voice I would be listening to for the rest of my life!

Q4: What’s the most unusual thing you know how to do?
A4: I can’t really think of anything unusual I can do. I can do a mean Pivot Table and VLookup in Excel but I’m not sure how unusual that is, more like nerdy!

Out of all of the conversation starters I like Q3 and Q4 best. What about you guys (all six of my followers)? Who would you least like to be stranded with and can you do anything unusual? I just love learning new things about people…can’t wait to see your answers!


  1. I'm most interested in the pivot table tutorial! I'll join you in the nerdiness :)

  2. I'll take the free drink coupons off your hands. I have several trips coming up :). I will think of you while you are studying - he, he. I bet it kills A every time a free ticket comes in the mail.

    Deserted island - I could not be stuck with Nicolas Cage or Mike Jones (I would die if I had to hear "Mike Jones, Mike Jones" over and over again).

    BTW, seriously, how can you get more comments on your blog than I do? Hello, I have been at this two years. Jealous.

  3. PS - I am super impressed with your html skills. You may be designing websites soon.

  4. Hil - Amy taught me everything I know about the pivot.

    Thank you Katie - now "Mike Jones, Mike Jones" is stuck in my head..ha! You are welcome to my free drinks, I have quite a few horded away :-)

  5. Perfect answer and picture for A3. Brought back memories of staying up late watching dumb movies on USA up all night in junior high. Glad you and Brien got to meet up last week. Miss you!

  6. Remember Rhonda with her high pitched "up" all night? LOL! My brother and I loved watching all of those movies!!

  7. Totally Nicholas Cage!!! UGH! I cannot stand him and his over-dramatic over-acting.

    (Wow Katie, we are on the same page!)

  8. Lol! I thought I was the only one that can't stand Nicholas Cage! I will tell my hubby (who thinks he is great!) that I am not the one! Well Meg, I am your 7th follower! Keep up the blogging!!!

  9. I think Nicolas Cage is annoying too! When I bring this up to Ben he defends him, so I'm glad to know I'm not alone. Maybe we should go on a girls trip once you pass the CPA and then you can use all of those drink coupons up!
