Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Early Bird Special

I wasn't feeling so hot today and as a result had soup for lunch. By the time I got off work I was starving! I decided to stop by Panera on my way home to grab some of their amazing mac-n-cheese. It was Five O'clock on the dot when I arrived and I was the youngest person ordering dinner by at least 40-50 years! This begs the question, at what age do you start eating between the hours of 4:00pm - 6:00pm on a regular basis? On average AB and I eat around 8:00pm which is late for most of us here in middle America but we're very metropolitan ;) I just can't imagine eating at 5:00pm every day! I guess if you get up with the sun and go to bed by 9:00pm it might seem like a natural time to have dinner? I just want to know when the progression of having dinner so early starts. Is it gradual or does it just happen one day? I admit to partaking in early bird specials while in college, but I was poor and eating at 4:00pm didn't seem so bad when you started your day at 2:00pm. I know this transition is far off but it still scares me, I want to hold on to sleeping in and eating late as long as I can!


  1. I think what happens is that they get up at 5 am, eat lunch at 11 and are therefore starving by 5. :)

  2. Agree with Katie...You gotta get up at the crack of dawn to think about 5pm dinner times. Heck, sometimes 5pm is my lunch. Dinner before 10pm around this house is considered a success.

  3. For some reason I am not able to comment on the Wordless Wednesday post. . . .maybe I should be wordless too BUT how old is AB in that picture? What a face!
    Also, sometimes I need a little snack at 5 if I am going to eat later than 7 but then again I didn't eat dinner until 8:30 tonight without a snack. Maybe I am like a goldfish and will just eat whatever is in front of me?

  4. Oh Megan.. welcome to my world! Dustin is the king of early bird specials.

    All I can do is make a lot of fun of him and his grandpa ways and take a snack to bed with me :)

  5. Agree with Katie on this one. Lucky most days to have the energy #1 to feel like cooking and early for us is 7 p.m. and most days it's usually 7:30 to 7:45 p.m. although earlier is better as when your Dad gets home he's totally starving and quite grumpy from the low blood sugar. So....in his case a 5 p.m. snack should be in order.
    In regards to the photo of AB looks like he could throw his back out with his leg in that position. Hilarious.
