Tuesday, August 9, 2011

It Started With A Slumber Party

Our weekend that is! We kicked things off Friday evening by having our 4 1/2 year old niece Lilly stay the night with us. You're never to old for a slumber party :)

Our first activity was meeting our friend Greg for dinner. We met up at one of our new favorites, Andolini's. Andolini's serves pizza, pasta, salads and is located on Cherry Street. They have an open kitchen so you can watch them toss the crust which was fun for Lilly. Another fun thing they did was give her a piece of dough to play with while we waited for a table.

We started off with the awesome garlic knots, I also recommend their meatballs as an appetizer. They have many different pizza combinations but we stuck with plain ol' pepperoni and it was delicious!

After dinner Lilly and I went on a little walk while we waited for AB and Greg to finish up. We discovered a fun mail slot. Lilly had lots of fun looking through it, apparently there was a stairway but no people were spotted :)

Once AB was finished we headed home to get into our PJs and prepare for movie night

We watched one of my favorite movies as a kid, Bedknobs and Broomsticks. It was a little long for a 4 year old but I think she liked all the singing and dancing scenes and of course the Island of Naboombu, which is cartoon.

Saturday morning we slept in, lucky for us Lilly likes sleeping in. When she got up she wanted to watch some of the other movie we had, Mary Poppins. She seemed to really like this one but unfortunately we didn't have time watch all of it.

After watching some of the movie I took her to the doughnut shop and then home because she had a birthday party to go to. It was a fun evening and I hope we get to do more slumber parties with her as she gets older!

AB has a great group of friends from high school and lucky for me they all have great wives! Saturday all of the wives planned a girl's night out in Edmond. It was so much fun to see everyone and we did something I'd never done before, or at least since grade school, we painted! We went to Paint Your Art Out which is a place that has local artists guiding you through a step by step process of painting your own picture. The best part is they let you bring in your own snacks and wine. Here we all our in our smocks gearing up to paint.

So here is the picture we were supposed to paint, I probably shouldn't even show it since mine doesn't look near this good!

Here is my finished product, not too bad for a first timer. I'm actually pretty proud of myself because it was hard! I would love to do it again, I wish we would get something similar in Tulsa.

Such a fun girl's night, I wish I could see those girls more often!


  1. I didn't realize Lilly spent the night Friday! So fun! Great job on the picture too. Mine definitely would have turned out more "modern."

  2. Good job on the painting!
    Your evening with Lily sounds/looks like SO much fun.

  3. What a fun aunt you are!! I am loving your blog. How did I miss it before? Making me think of all my Megan memories. :)

  4. I love your painting! If it looked just like the inspiration picture it wouldn't be ART :)
